Ms. Aranami has over 10 years of experience in the animation and voice actor industry, and has cultivated a robust network through prior experiences across four voice actor management companies.
Mr. Mimura has more than 10 years of experience in the animation and voice actor industry. With profound experience in the animation production industry, Mr. Mimura is capable of casting any genre of audio work.
Mr. Muranaga worked as a manager at FORUM8 Co., Ltd., a Japanese software developer and supplier. Mr. Muranaga began his career at Aoyama Audit Corporation Pricewaterhouse and later became the CFO of EC-One Inc., where he oversaw initial public offerings ("IPOs"), fundraising, investor relations, management buyouts, and corporate restructuring, including M&A activities. Mr. Muranaga received his bachelor's degree in social science from Waseda University and is a certified public accountant in Japan.